CSV Integration

CSV Basics
Integrated version means that the school uploads files beforehand so the parents already have their login information and they are already connected to the ...
Tue, 10 Jul, 2018 at 1:48 PM
Creating and uploading CSV files
In order to integrate your school with our system, we will need the following CSV files (see attached the file templates). There are 7 types of files th...
Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 at 9:47 AM
Uploading CSV files with FTP
Uploading the files with FTP might be useful for you if you want to set up an import on a scheduled basis. Any FTP client should be able to connect, but...
Thu, 20 Dec, 2018 at 9:38 AM
Uploading Teams with CSV integration
When uploading teams in the upgraded site, you will need to add two extra files to the CSV files. The team file names are: 1. team-(school id).csv 2. t...
Wed, 18 Jan, 2017 at 2:51 PM
Introduction to CSV with Parent Registration
There are many student information systems available on the market. While PTC Wizard attempts to integrate directly with as many systems as possible, we of...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 6:25 AM
CSV upload made easy: Pro tips for a flawless process
When first working with CSV integration, certain questions may arise that are not immediately obvious. Our goal is to make CSV uploads as seamless as po...
Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 at 3:33 PM