In order to integrate your school with our system, we will need the following CSV files (see attached the file templates).

There are 7 types of files that we need:

1.      Parent data

2.      Student data

3.      Teacher data

4.      Parent/Student relationships

5.      Student/Teacher relationships

6.      Team

7.       Team enrollment

(Team and team enrollment files can be omitted in case you are not planning on inviting any to the conference).

The files must be named as follows.

1.  parent-***.csv

2. student-***.csv

3.  teacher-***.csv

4.  relationship-***.csv

5.  enrollment-***.csv

6.  team-***.csv

7.  team_enrollment-***.csv

(upload in this order)

*** is your school ID.

If opened with a text editor, the first line in each data file has to be:

1. parent file: "parent_localid","firstname","lastname","email","phonenumber","username","password"

2. student file: "student_localid","firstname","lastname","email","phonenumber","username","password"

3. teacher file: "teacher_localid","firstname","lastname","email","phonenumber","titledescription","room","username","password"

4. relationship file: "parent_localid","student_localid"

5. enrollment file: "student_localid","teacher_localid"

6. team file: "team_name", "teacher_localid"

7. team enrollment: "team_name",  "student_localid"

To open a CSV file as a table in Excel, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Blank Workbook.
  2. Go to DATA tab.
  3. Click button From Text in the General External Data section.
  4. Select your CSV file.
  5. Follow the Text Import Wizard.

Here are some basic requirements for the CSV files:

  • Every field in every line has to be separated with commas (if opened with a text editor).

  • The character encoding of the files is UTF-8.

  • The localid numbers must be unique and consistent for each parent, student and teacher. 

  • A localid can be any string of numbers or/and letters, even an email address (e.g. F3452, 3452, M-3452, etc).
  • The username and password fields must be filled in for parent and teachers but can be left empty for students.

  • The usernames and passwords must not contain apostrophes, spaces or special characters such as diacritics (e.g. å, ê).

  • Letters with diacritics (e.g. å, ê) will not reflect on the portal - please change them to a corresponding Latin letter (e.g. a, e).

  • Fields can be left empty, but it can impact functionality (email, username). 

  • The phone number line is not necessary to fill, but it is must not be deleted!

PLEASE NOTE: if you have teachers that teach at a couple of schools in your district, you would need to list them in ALL the teacher files with the same ID and credentials - it will link their accounts and teachers will be able to use the same login information for all of their PTC Wizard accounts. The same applies to parents that have children at different schools in your district.

When the files are ready, you should email them to us so we can check syntax and bring any errors to your attention (or fix them for you if they are minor).

Once these files look fine from the syntax point of view, you can start uploading the files on your admin site.