There are many student information systems available on the market.

While PTC Wizard attempts to integrate directly with as many systems as possible, we offer a generic way of importing data into our system using CSV files.

To get more information about importing data using CSV files click here:

The difference between "CSV" and "CSV with Parent Registration" is that the "CSV with Parent Registration" allows parents to register themselves and add students to their accounts using the Student ID.

With regular CSV imports, the school is required to import all the parents and the student relationships between students and parents/guardians.  Additionally, when importing parents the school is responsible for providing usernames and passwords for each and every parent.  

With the "CSV with Parent Registration" the school does not need to import parents or parent student relationships.  

Once a parent registers, they will be asked to add a student by entering the Student ID.

The student will be connected to a list of teachers using the enrollment file (see the CSV documentation for more details on the enrollment file).

Therefore, once a parent adds a student to their account using the Student ID, they will automatically be connected to the student's teachers.

It is important to note that the parents need to know the Student ID for this method to work.

The school is responsible for notifying the parents how to obtain the correct Student ID's.