If parents or teachers cannot log in to PTC Wizard through Blackbaud (500 Server error is displayed):

  1. Make sure that redirect URLs and Secret Keys for parents and teachers match in both PTC Wizard and your Blackbaud account.

The redirect URL and Secret Key can be found on the Integration tab -> SSO.


  • Log into Blackbaud and go to the Core environment.

  • Click on the Security tab and then choose Authentication Settings.

  • Choose the "SSO Settings" tab.

  • Click on PTC Wizard SSO and update the links.


2. Ensure that the Blackbaud Resource Tile has the correct links.

The slug is the last part of the URL for the resource tile.

For the correct link, please use the subdomain of your school (it doesn't necessarily match with the URL in PTC Wizard account) and paste it as shown in the examples below.

Parent site URL 


Teacher site URL: 


Paste those links to the Resource Tile and click Save.

Please make sure there are no "www" at the beginning of the link and no additional characters and spaces. 

Kindly note that there is a difference between Redirect URL and SSO Link/ site URL

Redirect Link (starts with htttp:/api.ptcwizard) should not be used by parents and teachers to log in. It's a link for internal use only and should not be shared with parents and teachers.

SSO Link \ site URL is the link that can be shared with parents and teachers and is used for them to log in. It looks like this: https://subdomain.myschoolapp.com/app/sso/auth/ptc-wizard-teacher.

If the issue still occurs, please email support@ptcwizard.com with the screenshots of the Resource Tiles and SSO Settings" tab so we can investigate the issue and sort it out for you.

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