• This is a partial integration.
  • Data is imported using CSV files.
  • Authentication is handled by Infinite Campus. The parents enter their Infinite Campus username/password into their PTC Wizard login page, and we send that information to Infinite Campus for authentication. The passwords are never saved in our system. This is not a full SSO (Single Sign-On) because the user still needs to enter a username and password.
  • Infinite Campus is sold through regional support companies that can customize their installation. They can implement a full SSO link from the Infinite Campus portal if the school pays them to do it.

When integrating data from Infinite Campus with PTC Wizard, schools need to provide us with the CSV files and the integration procedure is similar to the regular CSV integration. However, since the sign-in process for schools using Infinite Campus goes through the school server, we do not require them to provide the password in the parent or teacher files. The password field though must not be empty – admins cat just put any word or character there. 

To change the integration type to Infinite Campus: Admin site > Settings > Integration > Infinite Campus.

More on CSV files here.