Default solution folder, feel free to edit or delete it.

More than one email address for a parent
Yes, the email field can support multiple email addresses. You may specify more than one email for one parent in the file or on the admin site, just list a...
Tue, 24 Sep, 2019 at 11:49 AM
Can parents set appointments with all teachers, not just the ones they are linked to?
To allow parents to see the full list of teachers on their site, go to Conferences > List Conferences, open the conference you need and check the Enable ...
Tue, 13 Aug, 2019 at 12:56 PM
How to restore an archived record (parent/student/teacher profiles)
In case there your need to restore a parent/student or teacher record that has been deleted, please use the following instructions. - On the admin websi...
Tue, 13 Aug, 2019 at 1:05 PM
How to delete a conference
1) Go to Attendees under Conferences. 2) Select the conference you want deleted. 3) Click Uninvite protection on the top right hand corner (to make sure i...
Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 at 1:46 PM
Setting a mass break
To set a mass break (e.g. lunch break), go to Conferences > Modify Schedules > Advanced (on the right-hand side of the screen). Sort by the conferenc...
Tue, 6 Aug, 2019 at 9:40 AM
Upgraded version: new features
With the upgrade, you get: New interface for parents/teachers and schools Responsive design allows for use on phone/tablets and computers More control...
Tue, 13 Aug, 2019 at 1:24 PM
View old/archived conferences reports
You can still run reports for your past conferences even after they get archived in the system. To do so, go to Reports and find the toggle switch next to ...
Tue, 13 Aug, 2019 at 1:26 PM
What if a parent has children in more than one school in the district?
If a parent has children in more than one school, they would need to log in to a corresponding parent portal to schedule appointments with teachers from dif...
Tue, 10 Jul, 2018 at 12:31 PM
What happens if a teacher teaches in more than one school using the PTC Wizard?
When a teacher teaches in more than one school using the PTC Wizard, they will be able to view any and all of their conference schedules by logging into any...
Tue, 10 Jul, 2018 at 12:33 PM
Upgrade Notes - School Site
The interface We updated the entire interface for a nicer and easier user experience. The new interface will be consistent between the School, Teacher an...
Tue, 15 Aug, 2023 at 5:00 AM