If all or some of your students/teachers/parents are not displayed on the admin portal after uploading the CSV files, please check the files for the following:

  • Letters with diacritics (e.g. å, ê) will not reflect on the portal and the file will not be uploaded - please change them to a corresponding latin letter (e.g. a, e).

  • Please make sure you do not delete any columns. Some of them might be left empty but should not be deleted. 

  • The username and password fields must be filled in for parent and teachers but can be left empty for students. 

  • The names of the files are case-sensitive, even for capital letters (for example, student-xxx is correct, Student-xxx will not be uploaded). Please make sure you name files correctly: 

For CSV: 

1.  parent-***.csv

2. student-***.csv

3.  teacher-***.csv

4.  relationship-***.csv

5.  enrollment-***.csv

6.  team-***.csv

7.  team_enrollment-***.csv

(upload in this order), where xxx is your school ID (it can be found in Account Settings > Settings)

For None\Standalone:


If after checking all the requirements the issue still occurs, please email them to us at support@ptcwizard.com so we can check syntax and bring any errors to your attention (or fix them if they are minor).

If you found this article helpful, congratulations, you're now a scheduling pro! May your conferences be as smooth as butter!