Audience:  Parents

Some teachers offer Zoom as an alternative to face-to-face parent-teacher conferences.

If you see an icon next to your scheduled meeting for Zoom - then that means you have the option to make the meeting a Zoom meeting.

What is a Zoom meeting?  

Zoom is a video conference tool that allows you to meet your teacher online using a computer or phone  with their video conference technology.

Zoom meetings enable parents to meet with teachers remotely.

How do I know if my child's teacher offers Zoom meetings as an option?

If you see the icon next to your meeting in your PTC Wizard schedule, then your teacher is accepting requests to make the meeting virtual.

Step 1:  

Sign into your PTC Wizard account.

If you do not know the address to sign into your PTC Wizard account, then contact your school administrator to find out what you need to do to access your account.

Step 2:

If you have not yet scheduled any meetings for parent-teacher conferences, then you will not be able to make those meetings a Zoom meeting.  So you will need to first schedule your parent-teacher conferences by clicking

However, if you already have appointments scheduled, then you will see your schedule as soon as you sign in.

Check for the Zoom icon next to your appointment.

If you do not see the Zoom icon next to your meeting, that means that your teacher does not have Zoom integration enabled for your parent-teacher conference.

Step 3:

Click the Zoom icon to make the meeting a Zoom meeting.

If it is successfull, your Room assignment column will be replaced with the link to sign into your Zoom meeting.

Step 4:

When it is time for your meeting, click the link in the Room assignment column to join the meeting via Zoom.