This feature is available for the CSV integration only!

If you want to send out automatic welcome email, contact our technical support group and we will trigger it for you!

Schools are able to send out automatic welcome email to parents. The letter contains the explanation that the school is using PTC Wizard and has instructions for signing in (depending on the type of integration the school uses).

Parents who have never signed in and given consent to receive emails will get this welcome email when it is sent. This means that if a parent already signed in and gave consent, then the parent welcome email will skip them the next time it is used.  This will be useful in cases where schools are uploading new parents and they only want the system to email the welcome letter to the added parents.

In case you would like to send welcome letters to all of the parents (even if they have already signed in and gave their consent), please let us know and we will make sure the letters are triggered for all of them.

The body of the welcome letter is the following:

Dear [NAME],

<school name> is planning on using the PTC Wizard scheduling system this year to help schedule parent teacher conferences.
To access the PTC Wizard scheduling system, you must go to the following link:<subdomain>/login

Your PTC Wizard username is:
Your PTC Wizard password is:

You can also view a quick tutorial for using the PTC Wizard scheduling tool by clicking here:

If you have any further questions or if you have any problems signing in, please contact your school.

Your school contact information is:

The PTC Wizard Team