Sometimes a school will import parent data and set the password for parents.

If the school makes a unique password for each parent, then they have to have a way to let the parents know what the password is.

Since we no longer send out password reminder emails, that becomes difficult for some schools.

A temporary password is a password that is meant to be used once.

The parents can use that password and the system will ask the parent to change it when they log in.

Temporary passwords are just like regular passwords with 2 exceptions:

1) The feature to require parents to reset their password on first login - is enabled

2) The parent has NULL (no value) in their last_login field for the parent table is empty.

Once a parent logs in once, their last_login field changes to the current date/time.

But if it is empty, then the system knows it is their first time every signing in.

If the reset_password_required field on the school table is 1 - then the school is set to make parents reset their password if it's their first time logging in.

If the reset_password_required field on the school table is 0 - then the school is set to allow parents to sign in their first time with their password and not be required to change it.