When you choose to Add/Edit meetings for a conference from the Agenda view, you will see the Schedule View.

In order to begin you must first add teachers to the page.

All of the teachers that are available to you will be visible when you open the "Teacher drawer" from the left side of the page by clicking the "Teachers" button.

Both Teams and Teaches will be visible in that drawer.

As you select teachers or team, they will appear in a matrix view on the page behind the drawer. Once you close the drawer you will be able to make appointments for all of the teachers you selected.

You can open the teacher drawer and add or remove teachers from the page at any time.

Setting Appointments

After you close the drawer you will see the schedules for the teachers you have selected

Some teachers may have longer or shorter meeting times depending on how the school sets the availability for the teacher.

You can drag and drop the columns for each teacher to re-arrange the order by clicking on the handle at the top of the column and dragging it left or right.

You can also click on the "Shrink" Icon in the left corner that will collapse all the columns to make room to see more on the page.

Changing the day 

A conference may span multiple days.  You can only see one day at a time.  The selected day is visible at the top.  If there is more than one day for the conference, then you will see multiple options for the day at the top

Agenda Confirmation

Meetings are saved in real time when you select them.

As you select meeting times, your agenda will grow.  The Agenda Drawer slides out from the right side of the display and will contain all of your meetings for the conference you are viewing.

You can cancel a meeting from here or by unselecting the time itself.

Confirm and Email

After you finished reviewing your meetings, you should press the "Confirm this agenda" button to receive an email confirmation of your selections.

If you do not click that button, you will not receive an email confirmation.  However, your meetings are still saved.