1) Select List Conferences under the Conferences tab on the left. You will then have a list of all current and upcoming conferences.

2) Click on the Create New button under the conference listing.

3) Enter a conference name and the dates you want registration to be open from and until.

4) Click on Add Day for each day the conferences will have meetings. If a conference has more than three days, you may add those days in this section. There is no need to create a new conference for each day (like in the old version).

5) Interval is the time span of each appointment.

6) Travel time allows to block a certain amount of minutes off until a parent can schedule the next appointment. It will forbid a parent to make appointments one after another for selected time if they have to move to another location and/or to get to their next appointment.

7) In order to schedule parent reminder emails: on the right (under Options) click on Parent reminder email > set the date and the time > click Close.

8) After all the necessary data is input, do not forget to hit Save (!).