- One Meeting/Household

If checked, this feature prevents both parents from scheduling appointments with the same teacher regarding the same child. 

- Max meeting/parent

This feature limits the number of appointments per parent regardless of the number of children they have. 

Once enabled, this option turns green allowing to enter the required number in the text box. 

- Max meeting/child

This feature is used to restrict the number of appointments per parent per child, i.e. a parent/guardian can book no more than the number of meetings per child you specify, however, the child's other parent/guardian can still book meetings for this child. 

Once enabled, this option turns green allowing to enter a number in the text line. 

- Parent Confirmation Email

When a parent makes an appointment online, they are automatically sent a confirmation email with their schedule. This feature allows to add any relevant information to the body of the confirmation letter. 

- Parent Reminder Email

 To schedule a reminder email to go out to all parents, you would need to use this feature. Simply select a date on the bottom left and then close. If you would like to add any relevant text, you can do so here as well.

Please, do not forget to click Save after any changes were made!