1) This section contains the list of all staff members. This data should be imported but you are also able to manually add teachers if needed.

2)  Teacher information can be altered by selecting the edit icon to the left of the specified row. Always hit Save after any changes. 

Please note that if you are using CSV integration, any changes should be made only in the corresponding CSV file and then the file should be reuploaded.

3) Each teacher can have a class description (i.e. Math) and a room number to assist parents when scheduling.

4) If you would like to give teachers the capability to set their own breaks or modify their own schedule, make sure the appropriate boxes are selected.  Permission to modify schedules includes setting breaks option, so you would not need both checked.

5) To be able to view the teacher site, you may click on Impersonate.

6) Each teacher can be linked to the relevant children, parents and be a part of a team. You can link parents and students using the form in the right top corner. 

6) After making changes, return to the directory listing by selecting the text along the top that says Return to teacher list (above Link Parents).