1) The list of all teams can be found in this section. Depending on the integration type, the information may be added manually or imported.

2) Changes can be applied by selecting the edit icon to the left of the specified row. Please make sure to hit Save after making changes.
Please note that if you are using CSV integration, any changes should be made only in the corresponding CSV file and then the file should be reuploaded.

3) All team members will be listed with a hollow star next to their name. To assign a team leader (who will be able to make changes in the team schedule), select the star to make it solid.

4) To add a member, type the name in Select a teacher line and hit the Add button.

5) To remove a member, hit the trashcan next to their name.

6) Each team can be linked to the relevant parents and children by selecting the tab titled Linked Parents, then choosing the appropriate parent in the text box along the right and clicking Link. To remove a linked parent, hit the trashcan next to their name.

Please watch the below video to see additional information and for a visual explanation!