1) Select the conference and the conference date from the two dropdown menus.

2) Under the Teachers tab you can select all, or select specific teachers, one by one. Once selected, the Interval and Seat areas will be filled out automatically. You can change a time interval for a specific teacher by simply typing a new time in the Interval line. The Room box allows specifying the room where the teacher will have appointments.

3) Under the Teams tab you can select all, or select specific teams, one by one. Once selected, the Interval and Seat areas will be filled out automatically as well. The Room box allows specifying the room where the team can be found.

4) To allow more than one parent to book an appointment with a specific teacher at the same time, select Allow Overbooking on the right. You will then be able to alter the Seat number (as it is set to 1 automatically for every teacher).

5) If you would like to invite specific parents to a conference, select the box that says Make Private on the right. Make sure to add the needed parents in the Parents tab using Search Here box.
In case you would like all the registered parents to participate in a conference, make sure the option Make Private is not selected - this way all of them will be automatically invited.

6) If checked, Uninvite protection box prevents teachers that already have appointments from being uninvited from a conference. Keep this option selected to be safe.

7) After any alterations are made, do not forget to hit Save.

For visual explanation, feel free to watch the video below!